Where Dogs Attack Mail Carriers Most Often - Does Your City or State Rank High?

We love dogs, but we all know dogs can bite. And if you're a postal carrier or know someone who is, personal safety is always top of mind when it comes to encounters with canines.

The U.S. postal service says dogs attacked more than 5,800 postal employees in 2020. Where were most postal workers attacked? Does your city or state rank high? 

Let's take a quick look at the numbers released by the Unites States Postal Service and see how they are empowering carriers with useful information and education for preventing dog attacks. Plus find out what you can do to keep your children and your carrier safe. 

The top 3 cities when it comes to dog attacks are Houston with 73, Chicago with 59, and Los Angeles with 54.

Looking at the top three states, California comes out on top with 782 dog attacks reported in 2020, followed by Texas with 402, and Ohio with 369.

Among the Top 10 dog bite states were New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Florida, New Jersey, and Virginia.


The Unites States Postal Service advises dog owners to keep dogs inside the house, behind a fence, or away from the door when letter carriers come to a home. Also, use leashes, and remind children not to take mail directly from the letter carrier since a dog may view the letter carrier as a threat.

For their personal safety, letter carriers have been trained to make noise or rattle a fence if entering a yard with a dog. They have been advised to never startle a dog, or try to pet or feed a dog. Also, for their personal safety, carriers should never assume a dog won't bite. Most carriers choose to carry pepper spray.

Staying safe is what it's all about. At Mace® Brand, that's why we like to keep you informed. Click on the video, and keep reading to see how an Ohio postal carrier used his mace to save a woman on his route. 

Mace® Brand Muzzle Dog Repellent Pepper Spray


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