Protecting and Empowering Those You Love

STRONG CONTENT:  This blog includes information about rape and sexual assault. It also includes information about ways to educate and protect your loved ones.


It is time to work on protecting those you love and keeping your family safe. Sexual assault is a form of violence against women that is often underreported. It is a violation of a person's physical and emotional integrity. It is important that women know how they can stay safe in their communities, and investing time to discuss personal safety is a must. Education is one of the keys to preparing and keeping women safe. Why is it that every woman we know all know another woman personally who has been sexually assaulted, but men often may not know anyone who has been sexually assaulted?

The impact of a sexual assault can be devastating, and the effects can last for months, years, or even decades after the event. Many victims will experience significant psychological effects following the assault, including post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and anxiety disorders.

That's why it's important to know how we can all empower and protect the women in our lives. Let MACE® be your guide to protecting loved ones.  


Your daughter is about to start college, are you ready? Young women in college are at a high risk for sexual violence. Among 18-24 year old college students, women are three times more likely than women in general to experience sexual violence. The Department of Justice states more than 50 percent of college sexual assaults happen in August, September, October, or November and students are at an increased risk during the first few months of their first and second semesters in college. Ninety percent of campus sexual assaults are committed by someone the victim knows. 


Perhaps your daughter is still in high school, looking forward to those carefree years of fun and adventure. We're taught at a young age it's our duty to defend women against dangerous men. We're taught that women should not go out alone at night or travel alone at the risk of being attacked. But we are never taught how we can protect them, how we can keep the women in our lives safe, and how we can let them enjoy their lives without fear.

A study on sexual harassment of students in grades 7-12 found just over half of the girls have experienced it. The survivor normally knows the person who committed the offense.

What about teen dating? One in three teens say they know someone who has been physically assaulted or hurt by a dating partner. 


Who has your back? Your partner of course. Do you have hers? What are you doing to keep her safe? Is she prepared for unexpected encounters? Does she travel alone for business? Now that many offices have re-opened, where does she park and is she out after dark?

YOUR PARTNER AND HER FRIENDS  Assailants target women more often than men, even though modern women do not fit the old stereotype that women are passive and weak. 

An effective method of self-defense involves carrying a non-lethal personal protection device. MACE® pepper spray, pepper gels, stun devices, and personal alarms give everyone the upper hand when it comes to personal safety. 

YOUNG PROFESSIONALS They're the fastest growing group of all, young professionals. But who do they always check-in with for help or advice?  You.  From "my car is making a funny noise," to "can you help me with my taxes?" young professionals still rely on their parents for support and advice. And that's where you can help with advice on something most young professionals don't think about: their personal safety.

YOUR MOMAnd remember, Mom is always your greatest ally. If you're lucky enough to still have her in your life, make the most of it. Her personal safety takes on additional challenges as many elderly become easier targets. Plus as we get older, we're less able to defend ourselves and might be a little too trusting as well. Sound familiar? Personal safety matters, and Mace® Brand believes there's power in being prepared, at any age. Let us be your guide to personal safety and keeping women safe so you can help protect loved ones.


None of these options require special abilities or techniques. Those you love can use non-lethal methods to defend against an attacker, and show a potential attacker that they are serious when it comes to personal safety and protection.

Pepper Spray

Our signature product, it's what we're best know for. We make all of our pepper sprays at our headquarters in Cleveland, Ohio. We have specific sizes and strengths aimed at the specific lifestyles of your loved ones.

Pepper Gel 

Mace Brand invented it. We call it the "stickier cousin" to our pepper spray because it sticks to the person you spray it on. Pepper gel is best to use in windy situations outside. We have 4 choices to help ensure the personal safety of your loved ones.

 Pepper Guns

Our 2.0 model is one of our best sellers, and once you see it in action you'll see why. It's sleek delivery system has 7 bursts and sprays at a range of up to 20 feet.

Stun Devices

From our newest offering, the palm stun device, to our tried and trusted variable focus stun device, you pick the model that has the best features for personal protection.

Personal Alarms

The Mace Brand personal alarms all emit an ear piercing sound, and scare would-be attackers and also let others know your loved one is in danger or needs help. Take your pick from three different designs, one even has an emergency whistle that's ideal for teens and even younger children.

Are you doing all you can to ensure the personal safety of the women in your life? Be prepared, be assertive, be the hero. Mace® Brand can help. Life does move pretty fast. We are committed to providing community and family safety through individual empowerment.


Another story you would enjoy: "It Attacks Your Soul" - Why Triple Action Pepper Spray is "Devastatin (

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