How Many Colors Can a Chameleon Change? You Decide

A chameleon is arguably one of the most interesting creatures on the planet. It has the ability to alter its skin quickly, so light is reflected at different wavelengths. This makes a chameleon appear differently to us. Stress, temperature changes, or stimulation can cause these color changes. Wouldn't it be great to change the appearance of our personal safety products? Now you can with a pepper spray Mace® Brand calls the Chameleon. Make your personal protection personal.  And be sure to take our Chameleon quiz at the bottom of this blog, how much do you really know about these reptiles? 


If you're in a "red" mood, go with the flag skin. Every chameleon pepper spray comes with three different skin choices: the flag, a beach scene, and camouflage. It's easy to change the look of your pepper spray, just twist the canister, change the picture, and twist it back on. You can even come up with your own design and customize your personal safety item for friends and family.


The Chameleon pepper spray from MACE® won't break the budget either. Our introductory price of $ 9.99 won't last forever, so take a few minutes to invest in your personal safety, preparation leads to empowerment. 




1. Some Chameleons can change their colors completely in 20 seconds.

2. The smallest chameleon is the size of a matchstick head, the largest is the size of a domestic cat.

3. All chameleons live in warm climates.

4. Chameleons usually show bright colors when angry or trying to mate.

5. Four out of five Chameleons we talked to gave a thumbs up to our new Chameleon pepper spray.

How did you do?

 All are true, except the last question, which is false. Stay safe everyone. 

Another story you would enjoy: What is Pepper Spray? Pepper Gel? How to Use and Where to Buy These Pe (

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