Camping Accessories We All Need - Mace Brand has the Camping Kit - Bear Spray Included

Seems like getting away from it all has been tough to do recently. Even when you go camping in remote areas, you have to be aware of the dangers. Bears and other wildlife could pose a risk to you and your family. Let's examine what camping accessories and tips we all need, plus offer some advice on how to keep ourselves and our families safe and secure. Mace® Brand can help.


It's not a good idea to feed any wildlife at your campsite, or you could end up with several unwelcomed visitors. Watching wildlife from a safe distance is the right thing to do. One of the best camping safety tips is to store your food in a safe place away from your campsite in a vehicle, a bear-safe container, or a storage locker. The trunk of your car is a good storage area. 


Watch the forecast, and prepare for the worst possible scenario. Take rainproof clothing even if there is no chance of rain in the forecast. Also, take warmer clothes than you think you might need. Weather near mountains can change quickly. If your campsite is in a valley, it might be damper and colder than higher up.


It's a common camping motto and it also sets a great example for your children. Most campsites don't allow glass bottles or containers, so be sure to pack enough reusable containers for all your needs. Leave your plastic straws at home, and recycle when you can in an effort to make the next camper's experience as enjoyable as yours. 


One of the most important must have camping items that you should never go without is protection that could save your life. Nobody wakes up thinking: "This is the day I might not survive — that I might never see my home or my family again."  It's always best to prepare, and Mace® Brand has our always popular Guard Alaska Bear Spray.   

Another suggestion, bundle and save with two practical kits - The Camping Safety Kit and the Family Protection Kit.



  • Sturdy backpack 
  • Maps of the area, highlighting fresh water sources
  • Reliable compass
  • Binoculars
  • Hiking shoes/ boots
  • Quick drying pants
  • Something to cook on
  • Canteen and/or pocket water filter 


  • Tell ghost stories. The scarier, the better.
  • Do some campfire cooking. You don’t need to be a gourmet chef to cook over a campfire. Anyone can cook some bacon, eggs or heat a can of beans.
  • Make campfire popcorn


 Enjoy!  And Stay safe.


Get that peace of mind, that self-confidence, that empowerment, that comes with knowing you can protect yourself.

 Another story you'd enjoy reading: How to Take Responsibility for Your Own Safety (

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