Five Essential Spring Break Safety Tips

Spring break is a time to unwind from the stresses of work or school and to travel to the destination of your choice. No matter where you're headed this season, follow these two important rules: Have fun and be safe. 

It's important to be prepared when you're headed to an unfamiliar destination. We've teamed up with North Coast Defense Academy to share our top five spring break travel safety tips so you can travel with safety and confidence.


1. Buddy up

The best approach to safe international travel and exploring unfamiliar places is to have other people by your side. If you do find yourself alone, inform one or two of your friends of where you are, where you're headed and when they can expect you back.


2. Pack your pepper spray

As long as your pepper spray device is four fluid ounces or less and packed into your checked luggage, it’s TSA-approved. Our KeyGuard Hard Case Pepper Spray gives you powerful, easy-to-use protection while you're on the go. 


3. Protect your personal info

You will meet a lot of new and unfamiliar people while on your spring break trip. Be cautious of what their intentions might be and proceed with caution.


4. Ask for help when you need it

If you're facing an uncomfortable or scary scenario, remove yourself as quickly as possible and don't be afraid to ask or yell for help. Seek out nearby security and your travel buddies to report the situation.


5. Identify local public safety and government 

Whether you are traveling domestic or international, it is important to locate the nearest police station or U.S. Embassy in case of an emergency.

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